Choose to always be where you need to be
Mobile Cellular Internet
Vialterna’s mobile cellular internet service uses the cellular network, is multicarrier and navigates on 3G and 4G LTE networks.
The service allows connecting vehicles, public and private transportation to connect people and things through devices that use multiple carriers to have a highly available service.
The router is owned by Vialterna, it is delivered on loan.
Internet Celular Móvil

Connect anywhere
Allows to provide internet service to users, implement mobile video surveillance solutions and mobile advertising service.
Redundant, high bandwidth and can be installed in any vehicle.
Take advantage of our multicarrier internet access points to promote your business.
The cloud-managed Wi-Fi market is growing, thanks to the adoption of devices and applications developed for Wi-Fi.
Increase your sales with WiFi hotspots.
WiFi-based advertising allows you to:

Get in contact with the right users.

Personalized messages or multimedia content.

Mostrar contenido relevante.

Increase customer loyalty.