Choose to be an entrepreneur


The term ER comes from an alliance of the words “entrepreneur” and “engineer”, when joined together we form the word Engineur. When abbreviated we have ER.

It is the professional responsible for managing a company’s clients and leading them to the success they expect when they hire his services. It is up to this professional to keep customers satisfied and thus help the company grow.


Establish mutually beneficial relationships

Every company requires a responsible professional to manage accounts and maintain an excellent relationship with customers. A person who is committed to Vialterna’s goal of managing the sale of services and the acquisition of new customers. Of course, we are referring to ERs.

Professionalism is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the ER, both in commercial management and in the search for and guarantee of customer satisfaction; therefore their professionalism must be aimed not only at attracting sales but also at establishing long-term relationships with the customer, loyal relationships that ensure mutual benefit.

Requirements to become an ER

Communicative effectiveness of solutions

Professional willing to listen to their customers.

Able to generate a sphere of empathy.

Adaptation of communicative style and tone to the needs of the interlocutor.

Persuasive and argumentative when required.

Mastery of verbal and non-verbal language.

Ability to transmit solutions and proposals for improvement.

Punctuality and commitment.

Desire to be
financially free.

Community of ERs Business Partners

Telecommunications are defined as the remote transmission of data and information through electronic and/or technological means.

In order for telecommunications to reach companies successfully, it is necessary to form a community of Vialterna’s ERs, who are our sales force throughout the country, so that together we can deliver connectivity services to more people.

Each ER will be part of the largest community of Business Partners in Mexico professionally trained to sell, implement and deliver our services to the enterprise market with national and international reach.

This will be the gateway to recurring business.

“I started by enabling services and now I market them myself by teaming up with Vialterna. Recurring revenue is growing every month.”

Oswaldo Degollado- ER Monterrey

Vialterna Telecomunicaciones

Recurring businesses

A recurring business is one that is formed with a customer based on a fixed contract on a monthly basis for a set period of time.

Recurrence is getting existing customers to engage with the company more than once, ideally to consume more products or services on a predictable basis.

It is the fact of making that customer’s purchase as frequent as possible.